
Smart Portal

Portal - portail intelligent
Our team is working on a new 100% web-based programme called “Portal”.

In order to improve the digital aspect of a company’s use of the information it needs and has at its disposal, this portal can accommodate several linked or independent Syslog applications. This makes it possible to centralise and make the best use of all the information necessary for the smooth running of the company.

In addition to this, the portal saves time and energy by using a single access point for your various Syslog solutions and by directly managing the applications and access rights (read, full use …) related to each user. Single login and password, single access link: a gateway to all your Syslog solutions! This is the goal of the interactive portal.

A functional, modern, simple and stylish solution enabling you to centrally manage your business.

Portal - portail intelligent
Portal - portail intelligent

Video presentation :