
Salary and Payroll Management

Salary management application is certified Swissdec 4.0 and respects all legal requirements at the Confederation and Canton levels (AVS, unemployment, LAA, LPP, family allowances, etc.). Provides paper or electronic mailing via ELM standards, Swissdec certified.


Management of personnel’s folders

Management of commitment periods (number of unlimited commitments for the same collaborator)

Basic data processing (addresses, date of birth, nationality, marital status, work permit, seniority date, etc.)

Multiple payment relations (distribution of salary to be paid on several accounts /beneficiaries, according to amount or percentage)

Connection with analytical cost centres (distribution of a salary concerning one collaborator to several centres)

Unlimited number of customised headings (amounts, rate, allowances, deductions, etc.)

Various lists available as “standard”, especially work permit and family allowance schedules, anniversaries and jubilees

Parameter setting of an unlimited number of CCT or types of contracts.       Semi-automatic entries according to the CCT rules or type of contract

Centralized management of addresses, codes and salary types (in case there are several companies)

For each modification, the user indicates the month from which the new information is valid. This enables the “online” browsing of historical data, as well as the early entry of changes

Overall modification of data (for example: automatic salary increases) with verification/correction of new data before final saving

Management of employee profiles

Overall mutation of data concerning collaborators

Management of pay grids

Salary processing

Unlimited number of salary types, calculation formulas and combinations thereof

Free specification of calculation criteria

Processing of withholding taxes according to current regulations; import of tax rate tables

Complete parameter setting of payslip and printing in the language of the employee

Salary calculation simulation

Possibility of calculating several instalments per month for the same employee; the sum of the amounts paid by instalment is automatically deducted from the final monthly statement

Payment automation: PAIN (ISO 20’022)

Online history of all salary information and retrieval using multiple criteria

All “legal” lists are an integral part of the standard: salary certificates, OASI/Unemployment Insurance, Law on Accident Insurance/SUVA, Law on Occupational Pension, Withholding Tax, family allowances, etc. (paper printout and/or electronic transmission via the Swissdec certified ELM standard)

Automatic calculation of provisions and weighting of salary costs over the whole year (13th salary, bonuses, etc.) according to requirements; automatic transfer of the amounts to financial accounts

Budgeting salaries with calculation of impacts in financial and cost accounting and automatic transfer of salary budgets to accounting

Statistical database OFS

Possibility to import data from external systems (attendance time, drink keys, …)

Generation of specific lists at the user’s discretion, based on dynamic selection criteria

Integration with Microsoft Office tools; data transfer to Excel or Word

Customisable scoreboards (salary costs, distribution of costs)

Digital distribution of payslips with secure connections to the archive, without postal mailing, only by e-mail (optional)